• Hey Fella PrEP Essential

Hey Fella PrEP Essential

  • E/LFT
  • HIV
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  • Product Code: Hey Fella PrEP Essential
  • Availability: In Stock

Available Options

  • $72.00

  • Ex Tax: $72.00

ETA for results: 12-24 hours

Panel for Hey Fella Tele-health Patients without Medicare

Once we receive your order, we email you a Pathology request referral within seconds. Print off and take to any of the Pathology centers on our 'collection centers' page. Appointments not necessary in Pathology. 

Private blood and hormone testing across Australia

We offer a non judgemental, blood testing service in NSW, VIC, QLD, WA, SA, NT, ACT and Tasmania. Our blood testing service can be arranged for you at a Collection Center, close to you, anywhere in Australia.